Monday, January 31, 2011

Paige is 2 today!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Paige!!
Pretty as a princess! Mom let me wear my flip flops today. Hooray!

Just putting my feet up! Its a big day!

"Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me!"
Gabby is home sick from school today, so she gets hang out with little sis on her Bday. Unfortunately the stomach bug is going around :-(

Happy Birthday to you, Paige!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let it Snow!!

Gabby got her wish this year when it snowed over her winter break from school. Here is a video of the girls trying to catch snow flakes. It is hard to see the snow in this video, but it was really coming down.

Getting the Tree

Every year we head down to visit Paul's Aunties in Olympia and find our tree at Ames Tree Farm. This year we ventured out into the back 40--where few families have gone--and found a huge, unique, beautiful tree. We strapped it onto our car and, after a lovely meal at Barb & Ruth's, headed back up north.

Here it is all decorated:

Gingerbread House

Gabby's friend Mira invited her over to make Gingerbread houses before Christmas. What fun! Gabby made a Gingerbread mansion! It tasted great too :-)